Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A9 - Binary Operations

July 17, 2008

The goal of this activity is to perform area estimation of cells represented by punched paper.

In figure 1, part of the entire image is binarized using a threshold pixel value that is equal to 200 where the valley in the histogram occurs.

Next, we performed higher order morphological operations on the binarized image: opening of holes and closing of holes. We let M be the original image, K the binary image and L the structuring element. The two operations are implemented in SciLab as

M = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\Circles1.jpg');
M = M - 1;
threshold = 200;

K = im2bw(M,threshold/255);
L = ones(5,5);
zero = zeros(5,5);
negL = abs(zero-L);
E = erode(K,L);
D = dilate(K,negL);
Open = dilate(E,L);
Close = erode(D,negL);


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