Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A15 - Color Camera Processing
We performed white balancing on images under different white balancing settings. In figure 1, row 1, we see the original images under white balancing settings inside-cloudy, inside-incandescent and auto-white balance, respectively. We see that the colors they contain per point are different and the white of the first two settings do not appear white. We try to process the first two images using Reference White Algorithm (results in second column) and Gray World Algorithm (results in third column). Now their white looks whiter, with the processed image for the inside-cloudy setting closer to the AWB setting. We may say that processed images from the Gray World Algorithm are slightly darker than those from the Reference White Algorithm.Figure 1. Myriad-colored objects processed using Reference White Algorithm and Gray World Algorithm. The white patches used for processing are in the lower-right corner of the collage figure.
Next we, try processing objects with different shades of the same hue. We try this for a high contrast image (with dark and bright background), and low contrast image (bright background only). We now see that Gray World Algorithm results are brighter. And white appears whiter for the high contrast image.Figure 2. Monochromatic Objects Processed. 1st row: raw images; 2nd row: Reference White Algorithm outcomes; 3rd row: Gray World Algorithm results. Right most image: the white patch
Code for performing the Reference White and Gray World Algorithms
//1. Defining the stacksize and calling of image
n = 100000000;
M = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\act15\i - incandescent.jpg');
//2. Reference White Algo
white = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\act15\whitepatch_i-incandescent.jpg');
Rw = mean(white(:,:,1));
Gw = mean(white(:,:,2));
Bw = mean(white(:,:,3));
//3. Gray World Algo
K(:,:,1) = M(:,:,1)/Rw;
K(:,:,2) = M(:,:,2)/Gw;
K(:,:,3) = M(:,:,3)/Bw;
K = K/max(max(max(K)));
imwrite(K,'C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\act15\ReferenceWhite_i-incandescent.jpg');
10/10 because I was able to finish the activity on time
Rica, Aiyin, Beth for helping me acquire images and explaining the algorithms
A14 -Stereometry
Above are two images of the same object at slightly different perspectives (The object was moved to the right by 15cm).
My code:
f = 6; //focus
b = 150;
M1 = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\august12_2008\Cube1.jpg');
M2 = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\august12_2008\Cube2.jpg');
M1 = im2gray(M1);
M2 = im2gray(M2);
M2 = im2gray(M2);
x1 = locate(10,1);
x2 = locate(10,1);
z = b*f/(x2(1,:) - x1(1,:));
nx = 40;
ny = 40;
x = linspace(1,1,nx);
y = linspace(1,1,ny);
[XP,YP] = ndgrid(x,y);
ZP = interp2d(XP, YP, x1(1,:), x1(2,:), splin2d(x1(1,:), x1(2,:), z, "natural"));
//plot(x2(1,:),x2(:,1), z);
SELF-GRADE: 6/10, hindi ko pa yari
Thanks to Beth for pictures, Rica and Aiyin for storage
Monday, August 18, 2008
A12 - Geometric Distortion Correction
We have an image of a Capiz window, an analog to a grid, whose left side is slightly tilted. We aim to correct this distortion by creating an ideal grid, then mapping into it the grayscale values of the corresponding pixels in the distorted image.
First, we choose an eminently distorted area in the image. This area is covered by a rectangle in figure 1. We designate the rectangle to be the ideal polygon, how the shape of the set of small squares in the window appear. The ideal polygon vertices are labeled as [xi, yi] , while the vertices of the distorted area are tagged as [x^i, y^i].
The transformation of [x, y] to [x^, y^] can be expressed by a function r and s.
y ^ = s(x,y) (1)
y^ = c5x + c6y + c7xy + c8 (2)
C58 = [c5, c6, c7, c8] t, where t stands for transposed via
C58 = (inv(T) ) Y
In the ideal rectangle, we find the corresponding pixel in the distorted image. If the corresponding coordinates are integer-valued, we simply duplicate the point intensity value into the ideal space. Otherwise, we employ the bilinear interpolation wherein if x^ or y^ is not an element of the set of integers, the value at (x^, y^) is given by
We, see that the image has been quite corrected. The sides of the squares without using bilinear interpolation are crooked. Meanwhile, the sides of the squares when bilinear interpolation was employed were straight, though the resulting image had less contrast,
//1 Call the image
M = imread('D:\ap187\distorted_capiz_window.jpg');
M = im2gray(M);
[m,k] = size(M);
//2 Select large subgrid vertices
g = locate(4,1);
g = [46.723164 238.70056;
99.265537 239.83051;
100.96045 41.525424;
50.112994 40.960452 ];
gprime(:,1) = g(:,2);
gprime(:,2) = g(:,1);
gprime(:,1) = abs(gprime(:,1) - m - 1);
//3 Generate ideal grid
x_1 = gprime(1,1);
x_2 = gprime(1,1);
x_3 = gprime(3,1);
x_4 = x_3;
y_1 = gprime(1,2);
y_2 = gprime(2,2);
y_3 = gprime(2,2);
y_4 = gprime(1,2);
//4 Obtain transformation matrix C
T = [x_1 y_1 x_1*y_1 1;
x_2 y_2 x_2*y_2 1;
x_3 y_3 x_3*y_3 1;
x_4 y_4 x_4*y_4 1];
X = gprime(:,1);
Y = gprime(:,2);
C14 = (inv(T))*X;
C58 = (inv(T))*Y;
//5 Map the distorted image into the ideal space (w/ bilinear interpolation)
v = zeros(m,k);
for x = 5:m-5;
for y = 5:k-5;
t = [x y x*y 1];
xhat = t*C14;
yhat = t*C58;
xhat_integer = int(xhat);
yhat_integer = int(yhat);
if xhat_integer == xhat & yhat_integer == yhat then
if xhat_integer == 0 then
xhat_integer = 1;
if yhat_integer == 0 then
yhat_integer = 1;
v(x,y) = M(xhat_integer, yhat_integer);
xplus = xhat_integer + 1;
xminus = xhat_integer;
yplus = yhat_integer + 1;
yminus = yhat_integer;
nearestneighbors = [xplus yplus xplus*yplus 1;
xplus yminus xplus*yminus 1;
xminus yminus xminus*yminus 1;
xminus yplus xminus*yminus 1];
vhat = [M(xplus,yplus); M(xplus,yminus); M(xminus,yminus); M(xminus,yplus)];
a_b_c_d = inv(nearestneighbors)*vhat;
nu = [x y y*x 1];
v(x,y) = nu*a_b_c_d;
//6 Mapping without bilinear interpolation
v2 = zeros(m,k);
for x = 5:m-5;
for y = 5:k-5;
t = [x y x*y 1];
xhat = t*C14;
yhat = t*C58;
xhat_integer = int(xhat);
yhat_integer = int(yhat);
v2(x,y) = M(xhat_integer, yhat_integer);
//7 Showing the images, M - original, v - corrected with interpolation, v2 - corrected without interpolation
I give myself 7/10 because it took me this long to solve the problem.
Thank you to Mark Leo for some explanations.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A13 - Photometric Stereo
We have 4 synthetic images, namely I1, I2, I3 and I4, of a sphere illuminated from 4 different directions.
The illumination matrix is a composite of 4 vectors given by
V2 = [0.085832 -0.17365 0.98106]
V3 = [0.17365 0 0.98481]
V4 = [0.16318 -0.34202 0.92542].
The illumination is from an infinitely far away source. The relationship between the reflected intensity I, the illumination vector L and the object surface normal N is given by
loadmatfile('C:\Documents and Settings\AP186user20\Desktop\august7_2008\photos.mat',['I1','I2','I3','I4']);
[m,k] = size(I1)
I = [I1(:)'; I2(:)'; I3(:)';I4(:)'];
V = [0.085832 0.17365 0.98106;
0.085832 -0.17365 0.98106
0.17365 0 0.98481
0.16318 -0.34202 0.92542];
MoorePennrose = (inv(V'*V))*V';
g = MoorePennrose*I;
[M,K] = size(g);
for i = 1:M;
for j = 1:K;
absolutevalue = sqrt( g(1,j)*g(1,j) + g(2,j)*g(2,j) + g(3,j)*g(3,j) );
n(i,j) = g(i,j)./(absolutevalue + 1.0e-015);
//derivative along the x-axis
p = -n(1,:)./(n(3,:)+1.0e-20);
//derivative along the y-axis
q = -n(2,:)./(n(3,:)+1.0e-20);
Imagexderivative = matrix(p,m,k);
Imageyderivative = matrix(q,m,k);
y= cumsum(Imageyderivative,1);
Image = x+y;
[1]. Dr. Soriano's lecture notes
Self-grade: 10/10